2014 Grange News Archive

This page is the archive for news stories that appeared in 2014.

As news becomes dated, it is moved to the News Archives. Click on the title to expand news article, or click to collapse news article. It should be noted that if the story contained links outside of this website that the links may no longer function. We have no control over non-affiliated websites.

National Grange President, Ed Luttrell presented a Charter for the State Grange of California in a ceremony held at the Orangevale Grange hall.

On Feburary 22nd, Grangers from across the State of California gathered in the Orangevale Grange Hall to discuss the question "Should we form a new State Grange, since the charter of the old State Grange was revoked on April 5th, 2013. After much discussion, it was voted that we would request the National Grange to reorganize a State Grange in California. Each Grange present was permitted two delegates and the vote was 100% in support of the reorganization.

After the vote, the delegates then proceeded to elect an organizing Board of Directors.