Understanding Grange Structure

The Structure of the organization

The Grange as an organization, has five distinct levels.

  • The National Grange - with headquarters in Washington D.C.
  • The State Grange
  • The Pomona Grange
  • The Subordinate Grange, and
  • The Junior Grange

The National Grange, is the parent organization to all of the Grange units across the United States. It is supreme with regard to laws, rules and regulations, and the laws of each of the other levels must not conflict with its laws. It lobbies for policies adopted at the National Sessions in Congress. It is the source of the Ritual of the organization, that provides a common framework for the meetings across the land.

It is a delegate body, where two delegates from each State Grange are responsible for debating policy, and rules and regulations.

A State Grange is organized when there are at least six Subordinate Grange that have been chartered within that state and come together to form a State Grange. Once it is Chartered by the National Grange, it is delegated authority over the Pomona, Subordinate and Junior Granges within its boundaries. That authority is clearly defined in the laws, rules and regulations of the National Grange.

The State Grange is also a delegate body, with each Pomona and Subordinate Grange entitled to two delegates. Like the National Grange, the delegates will debate and adopt policies which the State Grange will lobby for. They are also responsible for adopting such laws, rules and regulations for the operations of Granges under their authority, but at no time can these laws, rules or regulations conflict with the National Laws.

The Pomona Grange is a district/county Grange, and is composed of members from the Subordinate Granges within its district or county. A Pomona Grange has no authority over the Granges within its jurisdiction, but functions to coordinate and address issues within its jurisdiction.

The Subordinate Grange is the membership level of the Order. If you don't have a membership within a Subordinate Grange, you can not belong or participate in any of the higher levels of the Order. This is the basis of the grassroots nature of the Order. Typically all policies, laws etc. come from resolutions adopted in Subordinate Granges. From there they move to the State Grange, where delegates from across the State will debate them. If they have a National scope, they then move to the National Grange, where delegates from the various States further debate them and either adopt or reject them as policies of the National Grange.

Thus, the Grange is a true grassroots organization!

Lastly, the Junior Grange, which was first organized in 1888. They are typically chartered to Subordinate Granges, but may also be chartered to Pomona and State Granges. It is one of the oldest youth organizations in America, and open to boys and girls ages 5 to 14.


The Ritualistic Aspect of the Grange

Typically you hear about the Seven Degrees of the Grange. But in truth there are EIGHT degrees. Each of the Grange levels are responsible for different degrees. They are:

  • The 7th degree is the responsibility of the National Grange (Assembly of Demeter).
  • The 6th degree is the responsibility of the State Grange.
  • The 5th degree is the responsibility of the Pomona Grange.
  • The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th degrees are the responsibility of the Subordinate Grange.
  • The Junior Degree is the responsibility of the Junior Grange - it's the degree we usually don't mention when talking about the ritual, but is the eight degree of the Order.

The purpose of the degrees is to teach the members. It is the most ancient method to imparting knowledge and lessons to those who witness the exemplification of the degree. Even today, the lessons of the degree are relevant to our modern lives.