Join the Grange

Fraternal Grange Membership

Who can be a Fraternal Grange member?

  • A natural person who is at least 13 1/2 years old or older.

Where to join?

  • Applications may be submitted to any legally chartered* Subordinate Grange in California.

Anything else?

  • Application must be signed.
  • Minimum application fee is $5.00 (each Grange may set their application fee above the minimum).
  • Annual dues vary by Grange. Typically you will pay a Pro-rata dues for the remainder of the calendar year, and then the next year you'll pay the full annual dues. Dues period is January 1st to December 31st.
  • After your application is approved, you will be expected to attend a meeting at which you will be inducted into the Grange.

So, we are waiting for you, just click below to get the application, and get ready to be part of the Grange.


* Legally Chartered - is a Grange that has been chartered by the National Grange, and is in good standing.